Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm at the Edge of Delhi (Photos First)

Hello all!

Sorry for the silence. I've been in Delhi for the past five days, celebrating Christmas. A lot happened and I'll write about it all. But I will first post the link to my photos, because I'm too tired now to do any serious writing.

Enjoy and Happy New Year!


  1. Darrell: I'm glad you got to see some of the cool part of Delhi (the old parts) and esp. the b'Haai temple that looks like a lotus. You can imagine how it looks at night illuminated from within.

  2. Looks like you had a great time. Despite the smog. Had a ride from a Punjabi cabbie today who highly recommends Punjab for our next vacation. How about you check it out first?

  3. Great photos Erica. Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas, and hoping you have a Happy, Healthy, Adventurous New Year!
    Mike and Kim

  4. Love your photos!!! Surprise surprise. Haha. Also, your little Christmas tree was sadly still better than the one I had in my apt. Glad you got to spend time with friends!
