Saturday, August 27, 2011

What I have learned since returning to India...

1. Gatorade did not put high fructose corn syrup into their drinks as a way to make Americans fat. They put high fructose corn syrup in their drinks as an act of humanism. I have been drinkingoral rehydration salts mixed with water after some intestinal complaints. They taste like a sad ocean. I'm sure that if gatorade wasn't sweet, then thousands of hung-over college students would die every year from dehydration.

2. Minnesota and Kashmir are essentially the same... "same, same but different." I showed a picture of Carleton to my house's caretaker. She liked the photo a lot, and definitely understood that the picture was in America. But she kept on looking at it and saying, "Kashmir."

3. If you are white, you can blame everything on the spicy food and hot weather. Each time that I don't want to do something, I just say: "Oh, I'm very tired from getting used to the weather." This is actually pretty true--it is monsooning here and I'm not used to that. But it is a lot easier than saying, "I am tired of listening to Hindi and I want to go home and listen to Nicki Minaj."

4. Paperwork is only valid if it has taken at least five days to complete. I am still waiting to be registered in India.


I've been kinda sick for the past two days. It's made it difficult to go outside. It has also been very cloudy from the monsoons. So it is impossible not to feel a little down right now. However, I think when I start Hindi classes it will keep my occupied.

I am very thankful that I have this nice, big house to relax in while I transition to being in India. It isn't as crazy as Jaipur here, but going outside or just getting some vegetables can be a tiring experience. I feel that other people here are getting used to India faster than I am. But they also weren't just taking the MCAT, working a crazy job, applying to med school, moving their boyfriend to Michigan, visiting parents in Maine, and then flying out of Detroit. I definitely could have used some more rest before leaving. But it's of my own making, I don't think I've ever really slowed down.

I know that it will get better and it already has begun to get better. I also think that it would be better if I could get some decent coffee. India grow so much coffee, but it is all exported!

I am glad that I don't have to dive into research. Although my adviser is probably going to have a heart attack soon. He is VERY supportive, but also very impatient. I think he is a bit stressed that I won't be happy with my final results or something like that. Honestly, I'm just trying not to poop more than five-times-per-day. Everything probably seems very straight-forward to him, but I'm going through a huge internal and external adjustment. It is difficult to address our different perspectives, because Indians have a very indirect way of communicating. I'm not sure how to say, "I appreciate your feeling of urgency, but I have nine months and this month is devoted to my digestive system." Fortunately, the director of the Fulbright program here understands my situation and told me to just blame Fulbright for my cautious approach to research. Also, his PhD student--Shazia--also understands that I need to adjust. She told me to just do what I want and trust that he'll calm down when he sees that I know what I'm doing. Little does she know, I have no idea what I'm doing! But the sentiment is very much appreciated.

Overall, I am extremely lucky to have such a supportive adviser. Most Fulbrighters have the opposite. I have no desire to miss the opportunity to have an academic in India supporting my research. He also can help me to access some very rural and interesting parts of the state, which will be fantastic to visit. I'm excited to begin my field work, but first I need to stay hydrated and sleep.


  1. Sad ocean! I love it! And it's good to know I don't need to go to Kashmir, having been to Minnesota. You are a writer, my dear. I love the pictures too, the house is very pretty, and the food looks delish. "And she cooks, too!" Enjoy the enforced slow down. You will need those memories next year! love, Mom

  2. I just have to say that your Nicki Minaj comment made me laugh.
